Saturday, October 27, 2007

The journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step. There has been this button on our campaign website for the last few months that says "blog". I know basically a blog is kind of an ongoing commentary that one can share different escapades, exploits, thoughts, epiphanies (...I love that word), etc. with our tribe as well as others afar looking in. I have been encouraged by my web guru; Generation Y'er Tao Klauenburch to make regular blog entries in order to help people get to know me better. In fact I am now on Tao's calender to call me every Tuesday and Friday and remind me to make an entry. I serve and obey ;0)...

Tao is the mastermind behind our campaign web presence. Ultimately as things heat up Tao's work will be viewed by thousands. In October of 1980 Tao was three months old when I arrived in Western Sonoma County from Iowa; albeit after a short stop in LA for 10 months prior to my arrival in paradise. Tao is on a mission to save the world...I love his undimmed idealism and enthusiasm; he is part of the wind in my sails. Thank you Tao for helping us develop and get our message out their through the internet. Our web presence will be a deciding factor in the fifth district supervisorial race.

Basically I share Tao's idealism...since arriving in Sonoma County I have been involved with what Teddy Roosevelt called "the great enthusiasms" of political change. More to follow...I'm off to work. Hi Ho Hi Ho ;0) it's off to work I go.