Saturday, January 19, 2008

Need for consensus with Monte Rio sewer...

Last night there was a meeting of the minds regarding possible solutions to Monte Rio's septic/sewer problems at a home in Villa Grande. I said I felt one of the reasons the design for the Monte Rio sewer failed was a lack of continuing involvement of the original CAC (citizen's advisory committee) to continue to educate those opposed. The County also arrived after a solution was made and "waterboarded" the solution down everybodies throat including threats of condemning a portion of a long time River familie's property. Further our public servants at the PRMD (Permit and Resource Management) and the SCWA (Sonoma County Water Agency) made no secret their lack of concern and outright opposition to doing the job of even getting the project out to bid.

Sun Tzu ( wrote in "The Art of War" 2500 years ago,
"...the acme of all skill is to avoid the battle and win an ally." Today diplomats work toward a third way between those opposed and those in favor, parties in conflict with each other; a path that tries to resolve and build consensus. We need peace makers, conciliators, leaders experienced in resolving issues without the polarization experienced in Monte Rio with the sewer issue that divided the community.

At the Friday night meeting all parties agreed to work toward consensus with each other to find another solution. Let's hope we can keep moving with an affordable plan that retains grant monies and is not as divisive as the previous solution.

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