Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone..."

The following was submitted in February to the Press Democrat and for review by a local reporter. Paul Gullixon at the Press Democrat called and we had a nice conversation. He said that they would not put this in as an oped piece as then all other candidates (8) would ask for equal time. A letter to the editor would work with 200-225 words. I was going to send a letter and then got distracted with other more important things...Life! ;0)

Seeing the consequences and repercussions a fellow candidate for Fifth District Supervisor has endured recently regarding unpaid taxes, I too must admit to similar challenges in my past; albeit ten years ago but who’s counting? Anyone who has spent several decades working, living and raising a family in West Sonoma County understands the unique economic challenges that sometimes occur. This applies to current supervisorial candidates and is understood by the voters of the 5th District. Better I share some of my life experiences now in order to attempt to keep the campaign focused on the real issues we face; creating a sustainable future for Sonoma County.

In June of 1996 I opened the first internet café in Sonoma County, the Intern@tional Café in Forestville. In retrospect this was a bad idea that I was totally responsible for. I lost a lot of money and had to ask subcontractors, suppliers, and friends for patience in paying them back. It took me several years to finally work my way out of a very difficult situation while spending countless hours worried about how to avoid bankruptcy and honor my debt to all my local friends and creditors, many of whom I’d known for almost twenty years.

If one were to review my public record at the County from this period of time one could say it looked like Sherman going through Georgia in the Civil War. I had to do bill paying triage and learned much through surviving this ordeal. I have been current on all taxes for years and am willing to show reporters my tax returns, any loan documents they request and my clear unblemished credit report.

In addition to the above I was arrested once for past acts of civil disobedience. In protest to the city of Santa Rosa’s continuing illegal discharges of wastewater in the Russian River, in January of 1986 I covered four city blocks of downtown Santa Rosa with cow manure delivered from a broadcast manure spreader (thus being given the nickname “Manure Man”). I later went back before Christmas in 1986 chained to the seat of a dump truck, dressed up as Santa Claus and dumped 10,000 pounds of coal in a large stocking on the steps of Santa Rosa city hall for which I was arrested for “illegal dumping.” Those days are behind us as Santa Rosa can now proudly claim to have one of the most innovative wastewater systems in the world.

At 50 years old with almost thirty years of local community service and involvement, I have a deep knowledge of how things work and don’t work in Sonoma County, and a broad array of life experiences that will serve the Fifth District as a newly elected Supervisor. I am an environmentalist, a business man, a participant in good works, while serving on numerous boards and committees. I will endeavor to campaign on the issues and ideas of the challenges ahead. Thank you all for your understanding and consideration.

(Tom Lynch is a Guerneville builder and community activist running for Fifth District Supervisor)

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