Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Time for Open and Honest Debate on the Issues

A letter in last month's Gazette expressed concern with my call for a "freeze" on County salaries and benefits. An honorable, hard working member of our community doing great work at the County, one of our public servants, said that he was "amazed that the County's money problems are based on the salaries and benefits of County employees. As a County employee I haven’t seen any 10% raises in salaries and benefits." County workers are not the problem. I do not want to reduce but, I do want to reform.

I stated, in the column in question, that while the median household income in Sonoma County has declined by 2% since 2000, there has been an increase of 70% in salaries and benefits for County employees (this from the County Administration themselves). Presently, the average base salary/benefit of County staff is $112,000 per year for all 4,037 full time employees with perhaps 700 earning over $150,000 per year. I met with a department head for four hours yesterday (Mar 5) and she confirmed that and showed how this data is determined. I will post additional information on our website. Of course, I do not fault our public servants for their good work but, going into a recession we need fiscal responsibility.

I want to represent ALL who live in the Fifth District. I have been working with our County employees for 28 years and I feel we are blessed with a very capable, courteous, educated and hard working group that bust their butts working for a rough bunch while making all of our lives better in the process. But, I also believe, in the light of present economic realities with increasing costs and declining revenues, we need to reassess and reallocate our resources. The chickens are coming home to roost and we must not be afraid to debate the issues in an honest and forthright manner.

We are poised to start cannibalizing our less senior workers at the County. There aren't enough increasing property taxes, or cuts in mental health services, or reductions in monies to non-profits to continue increasing the salaries for managers and union alike. The next step to fund continuing increases in salaries and benefits for more senior hires is to lay off younger workers; those whom we will soon need to replace retiring workers. It's kind of like eating your seed corn. Sure the old paradigm holds true; "last one hired, first one fired" but, not while everyone else is getting a raise. To me, laid off workers are a cut in a program or service. I will not support continuing increases in salaries and benefits through the loss of less senior employees.

Sun Tzu wrote 2500 years ago in his treatise The Art Of War, "The acme of all skill is to avoid the battle and win an ally". I want to be a conciliator. I want to find that third way between those opposed and those in favor. For almost thirty years I have been part of leading the way in West County toward a sustainable environment with a viable economy and effective government services. I am not a Lite beer commercial catering to the "lowest common denominator" consumer lest I offend someone. I will tell you what I think and embrace others seeking realistic solutions. Political leaders need to present themselves clearly to the voters. Why do we elect our political leaders if not to solve problems? To solve problems we need to begin an open and honest dialogue without fear or recriminations.

Please join us! Don't let special interests from outside the district or those with "deep pockets" buy this election. Get involved! Study the positions on the issues being presented by the candidates and ask them for specifics. Don't accept bland generalities. Check out our website at: Support progressive social change.

(p.s. to John Hubiak and anyone: I would be honored to meet you and earn your support. Please call me at 827-3415)

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